How To Own Your Mornings And Elevate Your Life

A fictional story, with fictional characters, filled with practical wisdom, that captivates you. Own your mornings and elevate your life, 5Am Club is worth the read, the success rate is phenomenal.

What to do? Do this, click here to get your copy of The 5Am Club by Robin Sharma here at Amazon.

You want to know how to elevate your life, you have to know how to own your mornings. The 5Am Club by Robin Sharma is the answer. Or so they say, I haven’t read the whole book yet, so I figured why not do it together? We can read chapter by chapter and discuss. We can do this together, to learn how to own your mornings and elevate your life.

The 5Am Club by Robin Sharma has four main characters, namely the Spellbinder, the Homeless Man and Billionaire, the Artist, and the Entrepreneur, they all are described in detail, their past and present situations. The future is unknown, it is for you and me to decide what the future holds. The Homeless Man / Billionaire whisks the Artist and Entrepreneur away on a magical week, a life-changing journey starts for the Artist and Entrepreneur. They go to this magical place, and their journey towards salvation starts. It is here that they learn the secrets to own your mornings and elevate your life.

To own your mornings and elevate your life you have to practice getting up a bit before 5am in order to have a holy victory hour. The holy victory hour is for you, this hour is filled with magic and strange but beautiful mystical power. Practicing this holy victory hour routine every day changes you. You are uplifted, focused, motivated, encouraged, grateful, inspired, happy, devoted, and strong. You become centered and grounded, an ultimate productive performer.

It is not just about waking up at 5Am every day, it is about starting your day well. Starting with a powerful enriching routine, one that focuses on yourself and your strengths. Where you focus on growth and all the beauty around, where you practice an attitude of gratitude. It is the time you practice your ultimate freedom routine. Freedom of mind, body, and soul.

The holy hour is that first hour of the day when the world is still asleep and all is quiet. It is truly a magical time. The first hour of the day you divide into 3 parts, one part for exercise, one part for meditation and gratitude prayer, the last part for writing and reflecting on yourself. I have been practicing getting up a bit before 5Am and doing the whole holy victory hour routine. I can see many wonderful changes in myself and in my life. It truly is the best thing I’ve done for myself in years.

Make room for yourself, you are important, you deserve it. Do whatever it is that really makes you feel good, that makes you happy. Whatever it is, I like having an ice-cold beer at the end of the day. Sitting in the garden, watching the sunset and hearing and seeing all the birds that live here make a nest for the night. It is truly an amazing thing to experience. You need time for yourself, for renewal, exercise, and personal growth. We all do. A little “me time” is a good thing, as well as quality family time. For bondage and growth as a unit.

This book is both a parable and a self-help book, it tells an interesting story of fictional characters, an artist, an entrepreneur, a big business tycoon that teaches the artist and the entrepreneur the benefits of rising early every morning, before the sun. The big great idea behind this practice is simple, own your mornings and elevate your life. Imagine something so small as waking up earlier and having the holy victory hour routine, that it has the ability to change your whole life.

The lessons are carefully and artistically placed within an interesting story. I loved reading his book, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari because of the whole story behind the lesson, or the lesson behind the story, either way, it entices me, and it makes for enjoyable captivating reading. I like great stories, the upside to this type of writing is that you remember all the detail. Tactics to divine our gifts. We have gifts, yes we do. Different gifts. Each of us is unique in every way. Our abilities and gifts are also unique and special in every way.

Robin Sharma is legendary in the field as an expert in leadership and elite performance. In this age of trial and serenity and overwhelming complexity, fear, and uncertainty, he has helped many with his revolutionary morning routine to maximize productivity, activate their best health and potential, and bulletproof their serenity and sanity, and kick fear and uncertainty to the curb.

Own Your Mornings And Elevate Your Life

He shares with us his lifelong formula that we can use instantly to wake up to this beautiful world, feeling happy and inspired, focused and flooded with fiery drive, to get the most out of every moment, every day. I’ve not yet read the book, only the first chapter and lots of reviews and comments about it, and I already feel energized and excited for the change in my journey ahead.  Read my post on The Four Interior Empires – Mindset, Heartset, Healthset, and Soulset here, it goes in-depth into the 20/20/20 morning routine of great achievers.

We all will benefit from beginning our day peacefully, with serenity and calm quiet. It is a time to think and reflect, while the world is sleeping, you have time for yourself, to express your creativity, to realize your desires, all without being rushed. You can make a magnificent impact on the world. Your world. You decide how far and how much. You are the creator. The master of the masterpiece that is your life. You choose to change direction or to stay on course. You can however use tools like this book to speed up your journey and to make fewer turns.

It took him 4 years to complete this work of art, in order for you and me to accomplish epic results in our lives, and upgrade our happiness, peace, helpfulness, and prosperity, and just feel alive again. Doing something worthwhile means a lot to someone.

15 million copies of this great book have been sold worldwide since the beginning of 2020 to date. 15 Million copies in roughly two years is a great accomplishment. I want a life of peace, serenity, and stability, a freedom lifestyle, to be able to do what I want, when I want, where I want, and with whom I want, now that is called freedom. I believe this book is the key. According to millions of readers, and people who practice this routine and live by this formula, this formula is the be-all and end-all of the morning routines.

The 5am Club By Robin Sharma advises you and me to take care of the beginning and end of our day, the rest of the day will take care of itself. Start your day right, and your life is right.

I joined the 5Am Club on Facebook before I acquired the book. I read all the stories and watched all the videos, I started taking notes, what I found consistently is how people improve, how their lives improve, and how they prosper and grow.

The book, the 5Am Club by Robin Sharma entices me. The good and the bad I read make me want to read it and explore what it teaches so much more than ever before. Come take the journey with me, get your copy here at Amazon, 5Am Club, read with me chapter by chapter, let’s discuss, then we incorporate the lessons into our daily lives. Let’s start the book and see where the journey takes us.

Get your copy here at Amazon, 5Am Club

Two of my other posts worth reading: The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma and The Four Interior Empires – Mindset, Heartset, Healthset, and Soulset


Marlene W


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