Welcome, meet me… Marlene W

Welcome to my spot, your favorite place to be…

just joking 🙂

Welcome, may you enjoy your stay, and find great life-changing value here today.


There are no mistakes in life, no accidents either, you are here for a reason.  Though we may be on different paths, we are connected.  We came together today, for a special kind of greatness.  

Without further ado, let me introduce myself.  My name is Marlene W, I live in a small country in Africa, the most beautiful place I’ve ever lived. 

I am a firm believer of “I AM”, and Spirituality.  The cornerstone of my existence is the Bible.  We can discuss the Bible and Spirituality in-dept any time.  I am not a saint, I have a really fun, naughty side to me. 

I am a fun, loving, energetic, positive, bouncy ball of vital life.  I love life, babies, children, animals, reading, writing, and uplifting people.  I love to encourage, inspire and motivate wherever I go.  I see only beauty in everything, everywhere, all the time, and in everyone I meet.

We are good enough, we are worthy, we are successful, we are beautiful,

we are truly great and powerful beings.

Here we discuss the greatest, most inspirational, magical, life changing books of all time.  When you know better,  you do better.  

I love reading great works of art, books that enrich my life, that make me expand and grow.  Books that motivate and inspire.  Books that are pieces of the puzzle on how to navigate and live life successfully and prosperously.

Marlene W

My amazing journey started…

…with the movie The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, then I got the book by die same name, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne,  and from there I was hooked.  I was further introduced to many great authors like Robin Sharma, Michael A. Singer, Les Brown, Napoleon Hill, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Florence Scovel-Shinn,  and many more.

I read great books every day.

As a reminder of where I was, where I am now, what I have achieved and where I am going. It is a great reminder to never ever fall back into the time when I knew nothing about the great life I have now. The great power that has awakened inside me. It is a reminder of what I’ve come through to get through.

Reading great, life changing books is the strongest sign for success, and the strongest foundation in life. Great readers of great books are the most successful, fulfilled people on this planet.

I want to help, because I have been a “victim of life” for many years, not realizing that I was the root of all my misery and despair.

I suffered greatly, all of which could have been avoided.  Life could be so much different.

I was filled with sorrow, tears, pain, regret and frustration. There was so much hurt inside me, and I felt stuck. I was depressed and tired, all the time, I struggled a lot. I had no self-esteem, I felt like I was an accident, that I had no use or purpose in life. That I was just in the way and had no reason to be here. I didn’t fit in, people always bullied me.

Many times I asked myself what the point of all this is? What’s the point of me being here, just existing, not being of any value, not being happy.  

I started reading great books and I started to change. I started to believe in myself, I started to dream of having the best life ever. I developed enthusiasm about myself, my abilities, my goals and my life.

A new season unfolded for me, and things continued to change. I changed. And everything became beautiful and magical.

Had I only known, years earlier, what I know now, things would have been so much different.

Though the journey that brought me here today, was hard, strenuous and tough.  It was a life filled with rich lessons and great adventure, as well as a lot of heartache, pain and struggle. I would like to change a few things about the past, but the journey I would not change. I am richer, stronger and better in so many ways.

The freedom lifestyle I experience every day, is totally worth it all. I am wiser and stronger, in all the four Interior Empires – Mindset, Heartset, Healthset, and Soulset.

A freedom lifestyle is the ability to do what you want, when you want, with whomever you want, wherever you want.  Its complete freedom, the ultimate goal in life.

You see, I have failed many times, but I realized somewhere along my journey that failure is sometimes life’s way to point me in a different direction.  Sometimes, what seems to be the solution, is in actual fact the problem.  And at times, what may seem like a problem, may actually be the solution.  It’s a matter of perception.

Marlene W

Life is all about perception.  



…is to help spread the power of peace, love and light, positivity and freedom to as many people as possible. To help make this world the beautiful, magical place it is meant to be.  I want to motivate and inspire the world.

My goal is to help recruit warriors of the light and love force. The darkness is there to show us our light. The darkness is the absence of light and love.

Life is about the journey of becoming who you truly are, to live free, of fulfilling the highest, the truest expression and potential of yourself.

Life is about spreading the light and love of our Creator and the Universe.

Darkness cannot extinguish light and love, darkness is the absence of light and love. Darkness can only be victorious when we let it.

My goal is to get the world to get together. To stand together. Together we can make a huge impact, we can make a difference. We can change lives, we can save lives. By us standing together, to be unapologeticaly who we truly are, spreading light and love.  Walking our calling and to speak life, constantly affirming and letting others know that they matter, we all matter. We are all integral unique parts of life.

We are seen,

we matter,

we are enough,

we have your back,

no one is ever alone.

When we hold hands while going through this great journey.  Through the struggling and fighting, we can figure it all out, and conquer everything, together.

I come as one, but I stand for ten thousand. The ten thousand that came before me and laid a perfect golden path for me to follow. Together you and I stand for twenty thousand and more.

You being here with me, you grant me the gift of your valuable time, sharing your energy. Thank you, you are blessed. You giving me your love and support, is important, because you matter so much. I love to be in service of you, this great universe and the Great Creator that is all bigger and greater than you and me.

Let’s get together, we have the power to change the world. To peace, light, love and happiness.  Freedom lifestyle, here we come.

Marlene W

Marlene W


“”This site contains affiliate links to products. I may receive commissions for purchases made through these links. However, this does not impact my vision to give you the best value possible. I do my best to give you the best, in order to help you make the best choices for yourself. Also, I do not have any additional charges, just value for you.

I believe you found this post helpful and insightful. Please feel free to share it with the important people in your life, (and the less important ones too;-) they may all find value in these written words, and if you have any questions or comments please leave them below. I’d love to hear from you.

And as always anytime you need a hand you can email me at marlenew@confessionsofareadaholic.info

Always remember every day holds the possibility and the promise of a miracle.””


Recommended reading:
What Is Wealthy Affiliate University?
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma
The Four Interior Empires – Mindset, Heartset, Healthset, and Soulset
How To Own Your Mornings And Elevate Your Life

I am a fully satisfied, active member of Wealthy Affiliate University for 13 years and counting.  It is at Wealthy Affiliate University that I learn everything I know about building a successful, lucrative online affiliate marketing business.  I have to add, it’s great fun!  Click the link to check it out: Wealthy Affiliate University


2 thoughts on “Welcome, meet me… Marlene W

  1. Dankie Marlene, ek het vanoggend nodig gehad om hierdie waarheid opnuut te lees en TE ervaar.
    Jy het my in positiewe trane en n nuwe Missie om myself beter te leer ken en aanvaar 🌻 Geseënde 2023 vir Jou be Jou familie.

    • Hi Salome
      Baie dankie vir jou waardevolle comment, en die kompliment. Ek is bly as ek iemand kan inspireer tot positiewe veranderinge. Dit is my missie om positiwiteit te versprei, en positiewe groei.
      Dankie vir die mooi wense, en mag jy en jou familie ook ‘n vreugdevolle geseende jaar he.

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