What Is Wealthy Affiliate University?

Wealthy Affiliate University

Good morning everyone, today is such a beautiful day.  Welcome to my post.  I am sure this will be a great one.  I was browsing around on the world wide web yesterday afternoon. I came across a frequently asked question that made me think a bit.  The question: what is Wealthy Affiliate University?  I have been an active member at Wealthy Affiliate University for 13 years, so I figure I’ll take a stab to answer this question for you.

Wealthy Affiliate University is A legit, popular, generous community that teaches affiliate marketing, resources, training, hosting, tools, info, coaching, consistent, trustworthy, reliable.

Wealthy Affiliate University is the home of affiliate marketing.  

A learning platform, a community of amazing people, all working together to help each other succeed in the online world.  You want to learn, earn, grow and succeed, this is the place to be.  A community that understands, when you are truthful and honest, when you are trustworthy, the more you help others, the more you help yourself.   A community that beliefs and understands that sharing is indeed caring.

Here you find all the social media network tools and information, and how to use social media to your advantage.  To grow your online business.  At the end of the day, this is what you want to do right?  You want to build a successful, sustainable online business that supports you by way of a strong, regular, consistent, passive income.

You learn how to use the search engines, Google, Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, Ecosia, Startpage, etc. You learn how they work, what they are looking for in websites and content.  How to “impress” the search engines in your favor.  What not to do in order to make them put you on a black list.

All the tools you need to succeed as an affiliate marketer are all in one place.  All lessons are in-dept, in the form of written content, walk-through videos, and tutorials, as well as one-on-one coaching.  There are more training and videos on all aspects of affiliate marketing than found anywhere else on the web.

You get hosting for your websites, at no additional cost.  This is one of the many amazing features that are included with your choice of subscription.  You learn how to create your fabulous website, find your profitable niche and create awesome content, then drive traffic and get sales.

How does Wealthy Affiliate University Work?

First of all, you have to work at it, every day, every moment you get.  This is the real deal, it takes investment, time, and effort.  Wealthy Affiliate University is an educational program, one that should be committed to.  You must learn and apply your new knowledge to assignments and tasks.  It is basically an online university.

The best thing about this type of learning strategy is that you earn while you learn.  Or rather, the possibility is there, depending on what you put into it.  The more time and effort you put into learning and applying your knowledge and skills, the faster you will reach success.

The community is spam and upsell free, links are not thrown around at random.  It’s an environment that is stringently enforced, there is a no-spam policy, and upselling is not allowed.  Except in the case of “free” members, they are encouraged to upgrade to access more value.

Although there are millions of satisfied members, the environment is clean and enjoyable.  You feel totally safe and secure.  You are kept motivated and accountable with the step-by-step training.  You see, once you finish training, you get tasks to implement, then you are prompted to start the next lesson.  Your progress is recorded, in order for you to stay on course.

The build-in website builder allows you to quickly and easily build your very own awesome site or more of course.  Without any previous knowledge or experience needed. You can just start and have a fantastic website up and running in no time at all.  And you get state-of-the-art hosting included.

Wealthy Affiliate University

The best of the best out there.  

Wealthy Affiliate University


The interactive community allows for great interactive personalized learning.  You have one on one coaches, teachers, peers, forums, live webinars, webinar replays, and many blogs, all focused on the same prize.  All ready and willing to help you to succeed.

It is truly impressive how the website and the training materials are designed and offered.  It has the ability to help absolutely anyone become the best affiliate marketer they could ever dream of.  If you can read, and switch on a computer, then it’s perfect for you.  And I know it’s perfect for you because you are reading this here right now.

With all this available to you, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, you have no excuse.  It’s all pretty straightforward and easy, designed to guide you all the way to success, as long as you are willing to put in the work to achieve your online business goals.

In a nutshell, Wealthy Affiliate University is a comprehensive training site. They offer and provide the most up-to-date, comprehensive, current information, training, tools, and community support, private coaching and mentoring, website hosting and support, for any level from the newbie to the entrepreneurial level.

I have to add, all training ever put on Wealthy Affiliate University, since day one, is all still there.  Even the webinars, everything from the beginning is there.

Wealthy Affiliate University offers all the features you need to succeed. 

Endless opportunities with zero risk.  

Different Courses.

For different directions, your journey can take.  You continually learn while moving forward.  There are two big options, the Online Entrepreneur Certification Course, and the Affiliate Bootcamp Training.

The Online Entrepreneur Certification Course.

Consists of 5 courses, and 50 lessons.  Here you can take any direction your heart desires.  A blank canvas that you can create anything on that you want.

The Affiliate Bootcamp Training.

Consists of 7 courses, and 70 lessons.  This series walks you through the entire process, step by step, to create and establish a strong niche-related promotion of Wealthy Affiliate University.  The training is laid out in such a way that it is easily understandable.  You really can’t go wrong.

Profile and Account. 

You decide who and what you want to be within the community, you have full control and a clean blank canvas.   You create your own personality, you create your own blog and training modules.

Activity Dashboard. 

This allows you to connect with the interactive, personalized community.  And it has all of your progress, as well as every new post or training.  It is always very uplifting and motivating to check into your activity dashboard before you start your affiliate marketing day.

Live Webinars and Classes.

Straight from industry experts, with many years of experience.  These are all interactive, you can ask questions.

Various Research Tools. 

For keyword research, to find domains, to uncover profitable niches, brainstorming ideas, and website analysis.  Looking for something, you can search many thousands of valuable resources.  Anything you want to know regarding online stuff and affiliate marketing is just one search away.

Affiliate Programs.

Gives you access to a list, of a vast range of popular, profitable niches in seconds, of the best affiliate programs out there.

The Live Chat.

Instant help and support, interactive in real-time, from fellow aspiring as well as successful affiliate entrepreneurs.


With thousands of themes, this highly sophisticated website platform assists you to create and manage your profitable website in no time at all.  At first, it can take you a day or so, but after just a little bit of practice, and once you have a firm grasp on how WordPress works, you will create profitable websites in only a few hours.

Community Credits.

You can earn credits by performing a variety of tasks related to affiliate marketing.  It is a system that pays forward as you go.  It is designed with the main idea to help each other progress.  You earn and use credits within the community, but you can also cash these out, they have a $ value as well.  These credits are mostly used for website comments, site reviews, and site feedback.  This system is priceless, for sure.  You can even create training, then you earn community credits.  You offer comments and feedback, you earn community credits.

Wealthy Affiliate Affiliate Program.

There is nothing that matches the Wealthy Affiliate affiliate program.  It is the highest paying, most advanced, most productive, with the most advanced training, resources, tools, and support available.

Super Affiliate Challenge – VEGAS baby, VEGAS! 

Every year, they have this great amazing challenge, and the prize….wait for it….. an all-expenses-paid Super Affiliate Conference in Las Vegas.  When you generate 300 Wealthy Affiliate University sales within a calendar year, you are invited to attend and be part of this life-changing conference.  You will meet and spend time with industry experts, the most high-profile marketers in the affiliate world.  And there is always so much included, it is mind-blowing.

The Wealthy Affiliate Community. 

Help in various forms, motivation, and inspiration to move forward.  A community of true helpers, all with the same mindset and the same goal.  When it comes to affiliate marketing, the WA community stands above all in the line of support.  It is truly out of this world.

3 Membership Options.

For your convenience, there are three membership options to choose from.  You have the FREE MEMBERSHIP option, then there is the PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP option, and the PREMIUM Plus+ MEMBERSHIP option.  All three options offer you great value.  You can check out what is included with every membership option below.  I will do a separate post just for the three membership options and what is included in each, for now, I would like to tell you about the Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday Offer 2021.

Click here ~ Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday Offer 2021

Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday Offer 2021


Free Membership

Well, this one stays free, you don’t even need a credit card or any payment info to sign up, just sign up and start.  This is a fabulous option to explore a bit, take a look around and test the stuff I talk about above.  Go see for yourself if what I say above is true or not.  You got nothing to lose, no commitment, no obligation, no payment information.  It’s 100% safe.

Premium Membership

Premium Yearly Offer: $299/year + 2 Bonuses ($289.00 off)

Price Per Day: $0.82/day

Premium Monthly Offer: $49/month

When you take into consideration the monthly membership price of $49/month, then the yearly offer is at a staggering 50% discount!  When you pay a subscription every month at $49 the total comes to $ 588 for the year.  When you sign up during this year’s Black Friday deal, you save 50% off your yearly subscription.  Super cool, right?  This amazing price is even cheaper than when they started back in 2005. 

Premium Plus+ Membership

Premium Plus+ Yearly Offer:  $499/year + 7 Bonuses + Beta Access ($689.00 off)

Price Per Day: $1.36/day

Premium Plus+ Monthly Offer:

This is the BIGGEST DEAL EVER offered by Wealthy Affiliate University.  It is discounted at $689 off the normal price!  When you calculate, it is just over $1 per day, easily and effortlessly affordable right!  For everything you get included, this price is a steal.  And I understand there is a “SURPRISE” included as well, some brand new tool that is “exclusive” to Wealthy Affiliate University.  This brand-new awesome tool is called Alphabet Soup X.

There will be a live video class introducing this new amazing research tool on Friday.  Everyone that is a member at Wealthy Affiliate University is welcome to join, this will be a great event.  Anyone on any of the three membership options is welcome.  It’s going to be so great, I cannot wait.


Wealthy Affiliate University

Can you really make money with Wealthy Affiliate University?

Yes, you can make a really good passive income with Wealthy Affiliate University.  They have one of the best, highest-paying affiliate programs found on the web.  As well as all the support, tools and knowledge you need to succeed.

How much money can you make with Wealthy Affiliate University? 

Simply put, THE SKY IS THE LIMIT!!! It all depends on you, from zero to millions…. and beyond.  


Wealthy Affiliate University


Wealthy Affiliate University is the cornerstone of success. The most trusted platform.  A legit business that teaches everything about affiliate marketing. With valuable resources, training software, hosting, tools, information, coaching, all are consistent, trustworthy, and reliable. The most popular, generous, helpful community is found on the world wide web.  The only community in the world where you achieve an excellent education in the online business world, that actually leads to great, lasting, long-term success.

The training at Wealthy Affiliate is great, and it doesn’t even cost anything to try the first course, as you can join for free first, build your very first website and start blogging. Then when you have tested it, you can decide which option will work best for you.

Whether you are a newbie or a veteran of Affiliate Marketing, the Wealthy Affiliate University is definitely for you.  Everything is designed in such a way that it allows anyone, at any level of experience, to learn all the ins and outs of Search Engine Optimisation.  How to conquer the online business world.

Don’t delay, start today… get the wealth of help and information, immediately upon signing up, that you need to create your fabulous money-making website from the freedom of your home.  Create your freedom lifestyle with the flexibility to work from anywhere you want, at any time of day you want.  Your business, your site, your rules.

Last, but not least, the Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday Offer 2021 is the best there has ever been, make sure to not miss out on this life-changing opportunity.  You have nothing to lose, I challenge you…..


Thank you for granting me the gift of your valuable time.  You are blessed abundantly. 

Marlene W


“”This site contains affiliate links to products. I may receive commissions for purchases made through these links. However, this does not impact my vision to give you the best value possible. I do my best to give you the best, in order to help you make the best choices for yourself. Also, I do not have any additional charges, just value for you.

I believe you found this post helpful and insightful. Please feel free to share it with the important people in your life, (and the less important ones too;-) they may all find value in these written words, and if you have any questions or comments please leave them below. I’d love to hear from you.

And as always anytime you need a hand you can email me at marlenew@confessions-of-a-readaholic.com

Always remember every day holds the possibility and the promise of a miracle.””


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