It’s Time To Go Online

It's time to go online

It Is Time To Go Online

It hit the world.  Spreading like wildfire. COVID-19 Corona Virus.  Weird, real life-changing, world-changing stuff that only happens in movies and fiction books, or so we all thought.  A time when so much suddenly change,  I never thought I would see in my lifetime. Yet, here we are, in the midst of a global Pandemic.  I am sure I don’t need to go into details; we all know very well what is going on around the globe. Now, more than ever, It’s time to go online.

Countries all over the world, including my own, urge us to go online, to work, shop, pay bills, do business, etc. To stay home and do as much as we can online.  Home seems to be the safest place to be, and I agree. 

The pace at which the world is moving online is rapid.

The need to work and earn money from home has become a necessity. Countless more opportunities have suddenly emerged, and along with it the scams too, unfortunately.  They rise from nowhere, with loads of glamorous, too good to be true, promises.  Do the work, and do your research really well. Do not just buy into the first option that comes your way, make sure you know exactly what you get, and what you have to put in to get what you want.  

I can testify from my own experience of 13 years and counting…

I started my online journey about 14 years ago.  I bought into two scams before I found the Wealthy Affiliate University.

To me, it is a place that is remotely like a University, just far better than any other university I’ve seen.  The community is downright awesome.  Each and every member are different, but all like-minded, the nicest people, from all over the world.  We all have the same goal, the same purpose, the same outlook, this is to achieve online success.  Does not matter what success may mean, we all are different, we all have different ideas of what success means to us.   All of us at the Wealthy Affiliate University community is focused solely on this one outcome, success.

To have so much energy, from so many like-minded people, concentrated on one thing, the results are unbelievable. I’ve seen it work; I bet that somewhere in your life, you’ve come across it too.  You’ve also seen it.  The power of energy, especially focused, concentrated energy.

The community at Wealthy Affiliate University understands that to help one another to achieve their goals, you help yourself in the process.  All kinds of help are all around, all the time.

All around us, people are working together, though staying far away from one another, in Corona Virus time, all of us also has the same goal.  To stop the spread.  In many countries, you can see the results of working together.  Working together and helping each other assures a triumphant victory.

I have been part of the Wealthy Affiliate University community for 13 years and counting.  I have only seen the best of the best in all areas.

There are no exceptions, only the best of the best.

There is no community in the world that can beat this one, and no other learning platform is better than this one.

It is amazing how much organized information there is. The training, most comprehensive, organized, and easy to understand and implement you will find.  This is my true opinion from my own experience. Read my full post on What Is Wealthy Affiliate University?

I have this to gain, the satisfaction that I showed someone the right way amidst all this darkness and confusion, to be the light for you, to show you the way.

It Is Time To Go Online, Start here at Wealthy Affiliate University today, this is a real good start.

The Journey in this pursuit is actually really really fun, and rewarding.  

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I believe you found this post helpful and insightful. Please feel free to share it with the important people in your life, (and the less important ones too;-) they may all find value in these written words, and if you have any questions or comments please leave them below. I’d love to hear from you.

And as always anytime you need a hand you can email me at

Always remember every day holds the possibility and the promise of a miracle.””


Marlene W


Recommended reading:

What Is Wealthy Affiliate University?

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma

The Four Interior Empires - Mindset, Heartset, Healthset, Soulset

How To Own Your Mornings And Elevate Your Life